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Canadian Experience Class Applications (CEC)

The Canadian government launched Express Entry in January 2015 for skilled applicants to apply for Permanent Residence status. Applicants are eligible to apply whether they are in Canada as temporary foreign workers or outside of Canada, so long as they meet the criteria.

The purpose of creating the Express Entry Canadian Experience Class (CEC) Permanent Residence category was to allow skilled workers to gain entry into Canada as Permanent Residents much faster than before. It allows Canadian Immigration officers to select immigrants based on their skills and education. The Express Entry portal is created by completing a standard questionnaire that asks questions based on one's age, education, work experience, and so on. The government then decides whether to extend an invitation to the applicant to apply for permanent residence.

In addition to the Federal Skilled Worker, Canadian Experience Class and the Federal Skilled Trades Program, the Provincial Nominee Program is another category through which Express Entry may apply (depending upon the province).


Currently, those who want to obtain Permanent Residence through the Canadian Experience Class would need to have at least one year of skilled work experience in Canada in the three years prior to submitting the application. The experience would have to be in Canada and with proper authorization. There are also language skills that will be tested. The skilled work done in Canada must also meet the NOC or Canadian National Occupational Classifications:

  • Managerial jobs (NOC skill level 0)
  • Professional jobs (NOC skill type A); or
  • Technical jobs and skilled trades (NOC skill type B)

Though there are no formal educational requirements, when using Express Entry, you will increase your points by including your educational background and having an Educational Assessment done for education obtained outside of Canada.

Your initial CEC application places you into a pool with other eligible workers. There, you will all be ranked and if you are near, at the top of the pool, you get the invitation to apply via Express Entry. There are no specific lists of requirements because each applicant is unique. You will get a customized list of documents needed.

The CEC via Express Entry can be confusing and a consultation with a knowledgeable legal expert is often a good way to overcome challenges.

Contact us today at (403) 452-9515 Ext. 100 or 1-800-932-1190 or email us directly.

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Calculate Your Express Entry Score

Are you qualified to move to Canada? Try our free Express Entry Calculator Express Entry is Canada's skilled-worker immigration application process for high-skilled foreign workers ...

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I wish there were a million ways I could say THANK YOU for all you, and your incredible team, have done for me and Brian. You are all incredible, brilliant, patient, compassionate people, and I will never be able to express how deeply grateful I am.

So very simply and sincerely...THANK YOU...from the bottom of my soon-to-be Calgarian heart!

– Michael Dettner

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