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Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program reopening

Blog posted on by Evelyn Ackah in Permanent Residence, Provincial Nominee Programs and Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program

See below for information AINP released regarding the reopening of the program:Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program reopeningas of January 27, 2016, the Alberta Immigrant Nominee ...

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Thank you for your support!

Blog posted on by Evelyn Ackah in Ackah Law

Over 5 successful years of business! Best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous 2016

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Evelyn Ackah's webinar: Navigating from Express Entry to Permanent Residency

Blog posted on by Evelyn Ackah in Permanent Residence and Express Entry Permanent

Evelyn Ackah presents a webinar highlighting how the Express Entry system works and the issues surrounding it. Ackah Webinar presentation on Express Entry for CCCA CBA September ...

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Stalled immigration applications leaving skilled workers in limbo

Blog posted on by Evelyn Ackah in How To Move To Canada, Skilled Foreign Worker Program and Permanent Residence

This article by Simona Choise in the Globe and Mail – October 30, 2015 captures the real issues faced by tens of thousands of skilled workers in Canada who are waiting on their permanent ...

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Evelyn Ackah nominated for the board of the Calgary Chamber of Commerce

Blog posted on by Evelyn Ackah in Awards, Recognition, Achievements

Evelyn Ackah has been nominated for the board of the Calgary Chamber of Commerce. Please support her and vote for her if you are a member of the Chamber. Read on for her biography: BIOGRAPHY ...

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Financial Post publishes Evelyn Ackah’s article on the problems and frustrations with Express Entry

Blog posted on by Evelyn Ackah in Media, News, Permanent Residence and Express Entry Permanent

Evelyn Ackah discusses the complexities of the Express Entry system and the negative impact to individuals and Canadian businesses. She provides insights about the difficulties ...

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Ackah Law November 2014 Newsletter

Blog posted on by Evelyn Ackah in Ackah Law

We are pleased to share with you the November 2014 Ackah Business Immigration Law Newsletter click here

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Evelyn Ackah providing Pro Bono Legal Services for Decidedly Jazz Dance

Blog posted on by Evelyn Ackah in Media, News

A recent article in the Calgary Herald further shows the impact of changes to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program for arts associations like the Alberta Ballet and Decidedly Jazz ...

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