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Canada Invests $100 Million to Support Newcomer Integration

Blog posted on by Evelyn Ackah in Immigration

Canada Invests $100 Million to Support Newcomer Integration

Getting approval to move to and live in a new country is complicated and can take time. Once newcomers arrive in Canada, they then need to learn about and successfully assimilate into the Canadian way of life at work, school and in their daily life. Integration has been especially challenging for newcomers arriving in Canada since March 2020 during the pandemic. Canada announced it will invest $100 million over the next 3 years to improve access to newcomer integration and settlement services for newcomers through the IRCC service delivery improvements (SDI) process. The August 12 press release announcing the new settlement services will help integrate newcomers into their new communities and support their settlement as Canada recovers from the pandemic.

“Settlement services play a fundamental role in Canada’s immigration system. From work to housing to language training, they set newcomers up for success. During this challenging year and a half, I think it’s safe to say everyone has needed support in some form or another. One can only begin to imagine the additional hurdles this pandemic has presented newcomers trying to start their lives in Canada. These new SDI projects will help us enhance and improve settlement services so every newcomer can reach their full potential here.”

- The Honourable Marco E. L. Mendicino
Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

IRCC Newcomer Integration and Settlement Services

Settlement services are provided by the Canadian government for newcomers who arrive in Canada as

Facts About Settlement Service Delivery Improvements

78 projects have been selected for the 2020/2021 SDI funding process to better integrate newcomers in their new communities and support the settlement sector as it recovers from the pandemic.

  • Since 2017, SDI projects have centred on developing innovative approaches to better support the settlement and integration of newcomers.
  • SDI funding will begin in the fall of 2021 and run until March 31, 2024.
  • An SDI expression of interest process is run every 3 years to attract and consider new areas of study, with projects funded for up to 3 years. This 3-year funding cycle is subject to change based on knowledge gained through the SDI process.

Canada's IRCC-funded newcomer integration and settlement services are available to all permanent residents and protected persons. Newcomer integration services and pre-arrival integration services help immigrants integrate into the Canadian workforce faster and more smoothly, educate new immigrants on life in Canada, and minimize potential roadblocks after their arrival.

Learn More: Free Services for Newcomers to Canada

Do You Want To Move To Canada?

Ackah Business Immigration Law guides you through the immigration journey to permanent residence in Canada. To find out if you qualify and to help process your application, contact Ackah Law today at (403) 452‑9515 or email us at contact@ackahlaw.com.

Evelyn L. Ackah, BA, LL.B.

Founder/Managing Lawyer

Ms. Ackah is passionate about immigration law because it focuses on people and relationships, which are at the core of her personal values. Starting her legal career as a corporate/commercial ...

More About Evelyn L. Ackah, BA, LL.B.

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We found Ackah Law to be diligent and knowledgeable in advising our firm on foreign worker options. We were impressed with their hands-on approach to ensure personnel were properly briefed and supported prior to and at the time of entry.

– Rolf Wentzel, COO

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