Thank you for your interest in our eBook, How to Move to Canada - A Guide For Americans Looking North. As an immigrant to Canada, as well as an immigration lawyer, I’m delighted that you are interested in learning more about moving to Canada.
Canada is a beautiful country that values freedom and equality for all. It is a welcoming and progressive country that values and appreciates cultural diversity and quality of life. Canada is truly a multicultural country that welcomes people from all over the world. We have excellent health care and education, and we take pride in our vibrant and thriving economy.

Three Canadian cities - Calgary, Vancouver and Toronto (Ackah Law has offices in all 3 cities!) are continuously ranked in the top 10 most livable cities in the world. In addition, all 10 provinces and 3 territories are always looking for skilled immigrants to help continue to grow our economy, transfer skills and knowledge and establish businesses.
Over the next three years, the Canadian government has pledged to increase immigrant admission targets to Canada from 310,000 in 2018 to 340,000 in 2020. This is the highest admission target to Canada in more than 100 years! The key drivers for the three-year immigration plan are the Provincial Nominee Programs (across the country) and the Express Entry Program which will total 65% of the growth. These are the main Permanent Residence programs in Canada.
Our eBook is intended to provide information for American citizens who want to immigrate to Canada:
How to do it
How long it takes
What are the challenges; and
How you can make it as smooth as possible by working with an experienced immigration lawyer
Please feel free to contact the Ackah Law Team to discuss your immigration questions and plans. We hope this eBook is helpful to you as you make plans to move to Canada. We are here to help you “Cross Borders Seamlessly into Canada”.
Evelyn L. Ackah
Founder and Managing Lawyer, Ackah Business Immigration Law
Toll-Free: 1 (800) 932‑1190