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Federal Skilled Worker

In 2015, the Canadian Government launched its newest immigration policy, providing express entry to qualified immigrants, to fill job openings for which there are no Canadians available. The program is named "Express Entry." Contact us today at (403) 452-9515 Ext. 100 or 1-800-932-1190 or email us directly.

The goal of the Express Entry Federal Skilled Worker Permanent Residence program is to allow skilled workers to gain entry into Canada much more rapidly than ever before, but it works by allowing employers and government officers to choose immigrants based on their skill set and on Canada's needs. Under this system, prospective immigrants would apply to express their interest in coming to Canada by answering a series of questions about their professional skills, education, languages spoken etc.


The system would then match the skills of the prospective immigrants with the labour requirements as identified by the provinces, territories and employers. On finding a suitable match, the immigration authorities would offer Express Entry to a prospective immigrant.

The minimum requirements for the Federal Skilled Worker category are as follows:

  • must be at least one year (1,560 hours) of work in your field
  • It must be paid
  • It has to be in the same NOC skill type (0, A or B)
  • Your experience must have occurred in the past ten years
  • It must meet the skill type or levels according to the NOC or National Occupational Classification of 2011

There are also language abilities that must be met, educational requirements, and six "selection factors" that must all be met before you qualify. These include issues beyond those already mentioned and feature your age, a valid job offer, and more. There is also an economic criterion that must be met, and you must be admissible to Canada as well as intend to live outside of the Quebec province.

If immigration to Canada within the Federal Skilled Workers Program is possible, you must then apply for permanent residence under Express Entry. But to do that, you will need to be invited to do so.

Your initial Federal Skilled Worker Program application places you into a pool with other eligible workers. There, you are all ranked and if you are at the top, you get the invitation to apply via Express Entry. There are no specific lists of requirements because each applicant is unique. The IRCC says "When you have completed the application, the system will generate a personalized Document Checklist for you. It will show all the supporting documents you need to upload."

Though it is beneficial, the Express Entry process is confusing, and a legal expert is often a great resource as you begin your application.

Contact us today at (403) 452-9515 Ext. 100 or 1-800-932-1190 or email us directly.

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Calculate Your Express Entry Score

Are you qualified to move to Canada? Try our free Express Entry Calculator Express Entry is Canada's skilled-worker immigration application process for high-skilled foreign workers ...

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